The goal of the Application Specialist is to correctly manage the retailer’s Teamwork
Applications (point-of-sale and back-office system which we call Cloud Headquarters). The system should be set up in order to achieve frictionless commerce in line with the retailer’s desired functionality.
Teamwork is extremely flexible in how retailers can use the platform. A retailer explains what
goals they are to achieve and it’s the Application Specialist’s responsibility to set the
system to achieve their goal.
The End Result
The valuable end result is all Teamwork environments (CHQ, Mobile Apps, etc.) correctly set up to achieve the retailer’s ideal setup.Team
The Application Specialist is part of a team consisting of the Client Success Manager and the Project Manager. The Application Specialist reports to the Client Success Manager and works closely with them to setup a retailer.Summary
The Application Specialist needs to have a strong understanding of how Teamwork’s system
works and can be managed. They should be technically curious and skilled. They should
understand basic retail operations.
They are responsible for the retailer being “set up” on Teamwork’s CHQ, POS, and any other
relevant application.
Teamwork’s feature set and flexibility is immense and it’s the Application Specialist’s job to
translate all Teamwork’s capabilities into correctly configured environments.
The ultimate goal is frictionless commerce for the retailer and the Application Specialist plays a major part in achieving that.