Teamwork Official Statement Regarding Ukraine
Ukraine Awareness Month
Teamwork has deemed August “Ukraine Awareness Month” as a reminder of the ongoing crisis in honor of Independence Day, to help support our teammates and their families, and the military.
We are supporting the organization called TAZIKI (Wheels). This organization buys cars, medical devices, and other urgent needs and brings them to Ukraine for the military. One of the organizers is our very own Teamwork Commerce Software Architect, Artem Nikulchenko, and several other Teamwork employees are volunteers.
Ukraine Independence Day takes place on August 24 and marks Ukraine’s declaration of independence from the U.S.S.R. in 1991.
Donate Today!

March 1st, 2022
Since the Inception of Teamwork, Ukraine has been and is the homeland of many of our employees with offices in both Kharkiv and Kyiv. Our thoughts, our hopes, our prayers are completely with our Ukrainian colleagues, our many dear friends, and their very precious families.
This insane brutality and human suffering should not be possible in the 21st century, but unfortunately it is very real. It is a very difficult time for all of us and we must confront it, together.
We stand by Ukrainian sisters and brothers, and we support their rights and freedoms as a sovereign Independent Country.
Thank you,

Other ways to help:
Option 1: Donate to Afumed
AFUMED is a charitable organization started by a Teamwork employee, committed to providing essential medical support to Ukrainian soldiers on the front lines.
Their specialized ambulatory first-aid kits and organized roll packs, developed with military doctors, ensure quick access to vital medications.
Option 2: Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund
Teamwork is supporting the Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund. This organization has been vetted and will go directly to the people of Ukraine for their needs during this uncertain time.
The Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund link below allows us to track staff, client and partner contributions so we can collectively see and share how the Teamwork family and ecosystem comes together for this cause.